who cares? legit or no i would like to have that merc anyday.... and so would most of you.
Today i drove a '00 Celica GT.... first gear, floor it. revs quite fast from 1000-6000rpm but then, boom goes the dinamyte and u hit the rev limiter in no time
i have to agree with you that being single is one of the best things that can happen to a human being... i mean, no one moans at you for being lazy, you can go hit on everybody without doing a logiteck and more stuff like that. no need to go out every friday to watch a damn movie or fireworks or whatever your mate makes up just to make u spend a bit of money. + theres a virtual world that sometimes is better than the real one ( that last line is an after effect of playing bioshock 2 a bit too much)
i dont think they'll fix the bugs... the only thing that they needed to do was fix those glitches from tdu1 and update the graphics and there you go, tdu2.
'' The internet is prime for this because it keeps the anonymity (for the most part) rather than trying to convince your friend that "a friend of a friend" isn't you talking about how you knocked up some stripper inside a cake. ''
Even if it looks like we dont get anything " good '' when we tell our situation with a person we love... well... theres no point for you to come here.
those who post about what is goin on with them probably NEED to do that instead of doing, lets say, suicide.any advice is good and will be usefull at least once in a life time. (even if its a troll who's trolling who gives the advice)